It rained, and it shined. And it rained, and it shined. The weather couldn't decide if it would be naughty or nice the day we were scheduled to take Taryn and Joey's engagement pictures at Mount Bonnell. We decided to go ahead and meet up for the big session to try it (frizz be doomed), and wouldn't you know, it started pouring the minute we traded our "hellos." There was a decision to reschedule, and then while we were chatting about fun stuff, all of the sudden, the sun broke through with fervor and the sky was all clear for a beautiful day of photos with an incredibly fun couple.
We met at Mount Bonnell and climbed the (one million) stairs to the top, because that was the brilliant spot where Joey asked Taryn to marry him. It seemed so fitting that these two would commit their future and vision together at THE spot in Austin that affords an ideal vantage view of miles around. Of course, I think it's the best spot in Austin since that's where Mike proposed to me too! Taryn, Joey, Mike and I enjoyed the fun of walking around, sharing stories, and asking questions about our respective proposals. ("What were you thinking when you were about to ask? Did you know what was up as you climbed all those stairs?") That started what would be a full session of laughter with Joey and Taryn. It's pretty clear that Joey has Taryn's number in the ways of getting a smile!
Taryn and Joey, we had so much fun, and I'm so glad that the rain parted for some fun photos! We pray for clear, blue skies for all the days of your marriage!
Right before the big climb to the top!

Love this one from Mike. The next few are at the spot where Joey proposed! sooOOoooo sweet!!

Love this ring shot from Mikey J!

my absolute favorite!

Joey calls this pose the "stalker pose." ;)

This time Taryn and Joey were laughing at Mike.....

and his "stalker cam."

Did y'all know that Mike and I are HI-larious? ;)

another fabulous detail shot by Mike! He's a master of detail! :)

Taryn, you're stunning!!

Love the heart graffiti! (Please note (officer): we didn't do it, Mike just captured it on film!)

Congratulations, Taryn and Joey! We had SO much fun and can't wait until your big day!