So, I'm a little late on this because I was on vacation for awhile, but I was recently tagged by my rock star photographer friend Jennifer Nichols. Thankfully, this doesn't mean I have to stand motionless--teetering on the verge of humiliation--potentially until the end of recess. (phew!) ;) In accordance with the bylaws of the blog-tag game, I am to share 8 personal facts that are not part of the knowledge of the general populace. I decided to go with the "random and wordy" theme. You're welcome. ;)
Here we go:
1. I met my husband (a.k.a., Mix Master Mike, Miguelito, Mikey J) at a wedding in Colorado. (He flew in from Florida, and I traveled in from Texas.) I was the bridesmaid to his groomsmen, and though I immediately thought he was adorable and it definitely worked out perfectly for us in the end (in accordance with the plans of the matchmaking bride and a sovereign God) we didn't instantly form a Chuck Woolery-styled love connection. At that time, I was over-the-top, completely self-conscious because I had recently had some pretty medieval jaw/mouth surgery that resulted in some messed up mouth antics including, but not limited to, the crazy widening of my upper palate (roof of mouth), the installation of some insane/torture mouth hardware that was undetected by the average viewer but not to the listener (i.e., I could NOT pronounce long vowels and certain consonants with this thing....or eat, by the way), and the installation of a temporary third.front.tooth. You read that right. It was there to cover the sizable gap between my front teeth that was created by the surgery/torture device until my braces were fitted later....whoooo felt like the prettiest princess in all the land when she met her future husband?!! Needless to say, our relationship started to grow much more rapidly once we traded e-mail addresses and could talk safely over the long distance until my mouth was normal again. ;) Sweet Mike has said he never even noticed anything different was going on with my mouth at the time...just that he couldn't really carry on a conversation with the back of my head during the reception dinner. ;)
2. Speaking of being a bridesmaid, I have had the honor of serving in that fun role 11 times for some amazing ladies, and I've been blessed to serve as maid of honor for three of those ladies! I lova da weddings! I have walked down the aisle with Mike three times: at the wedding where we met in Colorado, at our wedding in Austin, and finally in Colorado again at the wedding of another set of mutual friends.
3. Though I became a vegetarian in 1994, one of my favorite restaurants in Austin is a BBQ joint. (Have you tried County Line's veggie kabobs and garlic mashed potatoes? de-lish.). I have never really had an inspiring story for why I stopped eating meat (or 'carcass', if I'm giving my family a hard time) ;). As a matter of discipline, I just wanted to see how long I could go without it. Evidently, I kinda lost taste for it. (Though recently, I did start eating fish every once in awhile as a favor to Mike....something about protein or something. [blech]) ;)
4. I have what doctors call a little bit of a travel bug! I cannot get enough of it. One of my goals is to visit all of the continents before I'm 35 (though I'll give myself a break on Antarctica because I get really cold easily). After law school graduation and the requisite bar exam passage in 2000, I lived in South Korea for awhile and taught English. A few of my favorite travel highlights include (in chronological order): hiking through a rainforest and then up the Franz Josef glacier in New Zealand; random and spontaneous solo backpacking trip throughout Thailand; celebrating birthdays in Ireland and France with my sweet mom; scrambling through Santorini, Dubrovnik, Ephesus, and Istanbul with Mikey J; alpine hikes and glacial lake views in Banff/Yoho/Jasper...!
5. I'm the youngest of 5 children...though I am not the baby. [That's actually my oldest sister Lisa. ;)] There are 15 years separating me from my eldest sister, and I have 8 nieces and nephews ranging from ages 22 to 6. My family is just like the holiday sweater your grandma gave you when you were 9: tight-knit and super-loud. We love each other so much, and in a way that is often expressed in the best kind of teasing. Some traditions just never die. There is typically so much laughter when we’re together that I get light-headed. By the way, my siblings and I are not just incredibly gorgeous faces either (insert eye rolling here), three of us were valedictorians of dear ole Highland High School.
6. Speaking of high school, I was on the basketball and track teams back in the day, but I might accidentally be the least competitive person ever that lived in the world. This trait once earned me a little chastisement by my track coach for stopping during the 1600 meter to help another runner who had fallen. I just remember my coach yelling, "Courtney....YOU keep running!!!" (She looked really sad though.)
7. Distinguishing left from right is more of a challenge to me than it is for most kindergartners. (I have to pause and give some serious thought to the decision, and I can usually overthink it in most circumstances. I think the problem is clearly a sign of genius.) ;) This affliction has given rise to many a big sweaty moment. The first time I went to meet Mike's parents' at their home in Florida I tried (super-hard) to follow the directions I was given to reach the guest restroom. Like a Greek tragedy of sorts, I made the exact opposite decision at each turn and ended up in the private bathroom in Mike's parents' bedroom instead. It could happen to anyone.
8. Since my college days I have been teased mercilessly for my fervent commitment to being comfortably garbed in my pajamas within 37 seconds of arriving home every night.
So, now check out these very cool photographers who I check out often (all of whom have likely either already been tagged or aren't playing, but that's how I'm rolling)! ;)
Kristen Hodgson (my big sister!)
Eclectic Images
North Light Photography
Boutwell Studio
F8 Studio
Stacy Cross
Traci Dennis and Kellie Finch of Anne Marie Photography
Allison Portis
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
Wedding Bells
Their story is one that would sell out movie theaters during prime movie season. They met and dated over the long distance from California to Texas. When the time was right, James surprised Jacque by not only moving to the Lone Star State but also by asking for her hand in marriage in the beautiful home she had once said was her dream home. Oh, and it also happened to be the home he had purchased in secret for their new life together. Surprise! That home was the perfect setting for their engagement AND marriage ceremony. And like every good romantic movie, there was not a dry eye in the house during this touching event. Jacque's sweet young son Nicholas was the ringbearer, and he didn't know that he would also be receiving his own special ring during the ceremony. One of my favorite moments (sniff) was when Jacque and James pledged to Nicholas vows that every young man would feel affirmed in love to hear from his parents. What a moving ceremony! I assisted in shooting this beautiful wedding with the fabulous Heather Mabry with Eclectic Images, and it was such a treat to shoot with her again!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Deal Sealed
Right before drifting off to sleep almost every night, I enjoy one of my favorite recap and chatting sessions with Mikey J. It usually contains some good-natured--yet robust--teasing of one another and much laughing. I triple love it! Last night, Mike reminisced about some of his shenanigans as a big brother, and I am now positive that we are destined to have children that are naugh-to the-ty! (if God blesses us with any at all...) [For the record, I ascribe no weight at all to Mike's theory that they'll be naughty because their lives will be replete with teasing because their mother (i.e., me) insisted on naming them "kooky" (read: super-cool) names like Wakefield and Thackery.] So, back to Mike's dark side. ;) Last night, I learned that Mike, or "Sweet Mike" to all who know him, when he was a young sprite, convinced his little brother Mark that everyone in his entire family was a robot. Everyone BUT Mark. When Mark started feeling a little too convinced of the tale, he knew how to call a bluff even at the age of 4 and threatened, "Stop it, I'm going to tell Mom." Mike, apparently an evil genius wearing the impenetrable and adorable disguise of innocent brown eyes and curly hair retorted: "NO!! Please don't tell Mom. She'll cut my circuits."
Yep, I'm destined to have some really naughty kids...despite the fact that I was THE perfect child. ;)
Note how Mark looks like he wishes he could sprint away in this picture....I always wondered.
Yep, I'm destined to have some really naughty kids...despite the fact that I was THE perfect child. ;)
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