A few bold steps. Sometimes some amazing things follow for those who are brave enough to take them. Maybe it was the numbness caused from yet another round of finals, or maybe it was just the draw she felt from seeing Chris' dimples in the midst of laughter from across one of Austin's many warehouse district pubs--the Fox and Hound--but Courtney (not me...to distinguish we can call her, the "Cool Courtney") ;) left the comfort zone of her circle of friends and took those bold steps across the room to see what would happen when she followed that tug that many will ignore at fear's command. I have a feeling that after sweet, charming, beautiful, intelligent, and funny Courtney sat down at the table, Chris' dimples and smile got even brighter on the spot. Those bold steps definitely worked out well for both of them, and they've continued to walk together ever since (even through an absolutely lovely surprise engagement in Spain!). I am absolutely thrilled to be there with them on their wedding day to document their first bold and very joyful steps as man and wife!
This is a crazy-cool couple, and I loved every minute of hanging out with them on a steamy morning in Austin's warehouse district.

Chris is a huge comic book fan (of the superhero variety). I absolutely adore the following picture (taken in front of the place where they met) because it reminded me of a fun--yet dramatic--scene from a comic book, so I tried to do a little processing antics a la spiderman.

Congratulations Chris and Courtney! I can't wait until your big day!