Adorable, fun, and perfect for each other, Becky and Russell are getting married! Their story attests to the underpinnings of truth in the tenet: timing is everything! And, by timing, I mean God's perfect plan. Years before they ever thought about the possibility of dating, Becky and Russell were friends and part of a group of peers who met weekly to pray, laugh, and study scripture together. At the time, neither had any idea that they were also spending some QT with the person that would eventually make one another's heart go pitter pat! One day, years after the group stopped formally meeting, something clicked inside both Becky and Russell. At the same time, each of them felt the romantic flames a-brewing...and they have been inseparable ever since.
We had sooooo much fun shooting Russell and Becky's engagement photos and can't wait for the big wedding!!

Sweet shot below by Mike...a little preview of their first dance. :)

My view:

Mike's view:

Mike's view:

My view:

Cool shot below by Mike:

Mike's awesome shot:

Becky you're beautiful!

Congratulations Becky and Russ!