Martha and her fabulous team from Your Very Own Fairy Godmother coordinated the day so that everything was pleasant, beautiful, and right on time!
We love you, Becky and Russell! Just let us know when you're ready to start booking those baby sessions. (<--that was for your mommas!) ;)
Gorgeous flowers by Bouquets of Austin.
Martha kept us all on time with a smile!
For this next photo, I need to tell you that I climbed up a million foot ladder to capture the spread of beautiful wedding guests. Fun times!
Have I mentioned that we love mariachis?!
The memory of this Simon Lee cake brings me to my knees in prayer for the ability to remain steadfast on my diet! It was so, so, sooooo delicious!
Guess where Russell went to school :)
sweet dad!
sweet mom!
Congrats Becky and Russell!!