Jana and Daniel are married, and Mike and I loved sharing the day with two people with such sweet spirits! It's not much of a groundbreaking observation, but it's easy to notice when many of the common things shared by the individual souls of a couple are tangible: hobbies, favorite sports team, volunteer work. Jana and Daniel, no doubt, have a million of those fun and important things in common. In fact, they both happen to be medical students with a practice focus in pathology. BUT, the most obvious shared trait that we noticed that day was the way they looked at one another with tender adoration and sweetness. Absolutely perfect and one of the reasons this job is so amazing!

Jana, you are stunning!

Daniel was all smiles!

Daniel was sooooooo moved when he saw Jana! I love it!

I love ring shots, and I'm not afraid to show it!

These little ones were so patient waiting for cake....even though it surrounded them. ("Cake, cake everywhere...and not a bite to eat!") ;)

Congratulations, Jana and Daniel!!