I remember nervously crumpling the decorative napkin and half-filled punch glass in my hand as a little girl, just waiting for the Guinness Book of World Record people who were sure to burst through the door in a congratulatory stampede at my grandparents' 50th anniversary party. I mean, 50 years of marriage
had to qualify for a world record or two. Now, I look at my parents who are in the same station, and I am stilled filled with the same admiration and wonder for their marriage...though not quite with such naiveté. Now, it's not just the number of years that impresses me, but the depth of love and commitment that is woven among those years and binds them and our entire (large) family together. Children don't often get the opportunity to say it about their parents, but I'll gladly shout it any chance I can: I'm so proud of my mom and dad. They have loved, comforted, and cherished one another and honored the vows that they made before God through even those contrasting times that are contained in the vows that couples hope on the wedding day that they are fortunate enough to never see one another face--like sickness...My mom and dad have seen some extreme sickness, and they have also seen God's goodness and faithfulness through those times as well. From things like my mother so very nearly losing her life in child birth to the stroke that almost took my father and the long road to recovery that they walked together--squeezing each other tightly each step, I know that I'll be a better wife for having grown up under the comforting example of marriage that they set before me and our entire family in both times of lightheartedness and those of burden. They have endured it
all with grace, not to mention whatever craziness their five kids and eight grandchildren (so far) could throw at them. (NOW, where are those Guinness Book people?) :) Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad. I am so very proud of you. We all are.
Before we took our big family trip to California (the Golden State) in celebration of the big 5-0, we had a reception (a Golden one) in my home town of Hardy, Arkansas (Party Hardy) :) to celebrate. Though that evening was not itself without opportunity for my parents to shine in their care for one another, it was a fun night of reminiscing and eating millions of desserts. (Thank you, God, again for your goodness!)
Before I post photos of the reception, these are some of my favorite images from my parents' wedding on June 16, 1957. I love the wedding photojournalism perspective that was employed by the photographer Mr. Jinx Scrape of Blytheville, Arkansas. He obviously knew the pj style was the way to go even way back then!

My Mom does everything BIG. They couldn't fit both sides of the wedding party in one picture!

Some images from the 50th Anniversary reception are below. My mother looooves gold, so this was the night to live it up! I purchased this cool plaque from a great company in Colorado (whose super-fun and helpful owner I found out is originally from Austin. small world! Check out their great work at the
Family Plaque.)