Tom and Laura are an obvious soul match! In fact, it was obvious to everyone in their shared circle of friends how perfect they would be for one another. Unfortunately, since it was so obvious, no one thought to share this insight with these two early on! ("We thought they knew!") :) In perfect timing, though, a light flickered on in the most insightful parts of their hearts. It certainly didn't take long for them to discover that this match should be one that lasts a lifetime! They have a shared desire to minister to others, and I can't wait to see what blessings they bring to people through their marriage.
Congratulations, Tom and Laura! We can't wait until your big day! (We'll pray for that cold front with you!) :)
Laura's recently acquired engagement ring sparkles almost as brightly as her smile when Tom hugs her tightly. Mike's view from can see him at work capturing this one below Mike's view below. Love the feel of the next two images courtesy of Mike! Mike's view through the trees! Mike's cute meter was definitely registering high during this shoot. I couldn't help but turn the camera on him a few times when he wasn't looking. Hubba Hubba boy in a tree with a camera....could anything be more attractive? :)
These are cool the sun flare shots the shots by the cool bridge.. all of them .... awesome..
these look great, courtney! how are ya? we miss you :)
Love the composition on the bridge shots and the post! Great work!
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