Sunday, April 11, 2010

Family Fun with the Dawsons!

As Mike and I were prepping our gear and looking forward to our yearly session with the fun Dawson family, we were thinking about how cool it is to get to see little Will and Kate growing up each Spring. What we didn't realize until that day, is that the Dawson family is growing in other big ways. Laura and Tim have another sweet little one on the way! We absolutely love getting to document families as they grow! During our session, Laura told us the sweetest story. Ever. A week or so before Laura found out she was expecting, 4 year old little Will told her that he had a dream that God told him that she was pregnant. Laura and Tim didn't really think so, but were absolutely blown away when they later found out he had been absolutely right! After they heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time, they told Will the big news. His reply: "I know. That's the reason your tummy has been hurting Mommy. God's hands have been in your tummy making the baby." Wow.

"From the lips of children and infants You have ordained praise..." (Ps. 8:2)

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I just love this one. just do!

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This one of Mike's is my absolute favorite!

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Mike and Will had a mean game of hide and seek going!

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Congratulations Tim and Laura! We are thrilled for you!

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