Friday, January 18, 2008

I might need sleep...

Things have been a bit of a crazy, whirlwind, funnel cloud of excitement and responsibility lately. Between moving into our house, shooting/editing, filling print orders, my legal work, and the remainder of the very important things I'm forgetting---not due to the assignment of a lower priority but rather to lack of time nestled against the pillow. (See post title above.) ;)

Funny story to illustrate the point: recently during work I was concentrating intently on the big case~legal ramifications, import of public policy in future decisions, research, time pressures, etcetera and etcetera. I had to make a phone call and was greeted on the other line, not by the person I expected, but rather a receptionist. The receptionist gave me another number at which to contact my party. I repeated the number back to her. I repeated it back to her twice! Despite the fact that I said this number aloud (TWICE), I never realized that she had given me MY number until after I was greeted by my outgoing voice mailbox message after dialing (again, MY NUMBER).


Promise, I'll be back to full mental capacity after this loooooong weekend!

1 comment:

.E. said...

ok seriously thats the best story I have heard in awhile.. dialing your own number twice.. teeeheee.. sounds like something I would do..

Get some much needed rest.. you deserve it
