Saturday, December 1, 2007

Louisa and BJ: Betrothed*

For their engagement session, we decided it would be too perfect to shoot some of their pictures on the gorgeous church grounds where BJ first asked Louisa to share her life and labor in ministry with him. (BJ serves as a pastor in youth ministry at E-Free, so he even had access to turn on the magical white lights for the big event! perks!) When we met for their session, after big hugs and smiles, Louisa told me the story of BJ's tender proposal, and I was so happy that the sun's bright rays gave me an excuse for why my eye's were--ahem--just watering!! As she told the story--light dancing in her eyes and beaming from her smile--she pointed out the places where BJ kneeled, washed her feet as a biblical symbol and example of how he wanted to serve her--his wife--with a godly heart, and led them in prayer together after she said "YES!" ahhhhhhhhhhh. (I was also pretty stoked that before the happy couple arrived, Mike and I had picked out the best places to shoot; at which places do you think we unknowingly picked to shoot first?! too cool!!)

The session started out with sweetness, but hilarity ensued! These two are a riot, which I know must serve them well in their professions in working with youth! I have to tell you that Mike and I were more than a little sad when the engagement session with Louisa and BJ was all wrapped up. Despite the beautiful moments we knew we captured, we were bummed that we couldn't hang with them again until the big wedding day! (Though they were so cool to invite us to go with them to Trudy's for Tex Mex with their friends afterwards. I'm still bummed we couldn't go!) Hanging out with these two was like being with your favorite friends from way back, watching a comedy routine, and witnessing a love story all wrapped in the cutest package you could imagine. That's to say, we had a blast!! :)

Congratulations you two! We can't wait until the big, big day!

*There are only so many ways you can say "Engaged" on this blog, and I thought BJ and Louisa might enjoy a title that sounded a little bit like a crazy, fun action movie (or at least a semi-cool video game). ;)

The beautiful pool beside which BJ popped the question!

One of my faves shot by Mix Master Mike!

The next two are more 'Mike Originals.' I looooove them!

Louisa, you're gorgeous!!

Fab portrait below by Mikey J

These two were also awarded the "Best Sports Ever" award by me that night when they were totally willing to walk through what was--I'm sure--lizard-infested grass to a deserted to barn in the darkest of night. (We even had to go through elaborate steps to find light to be able to focus the cameras...Louisa and BJ smiling and snuggling all along!)

They wanted to do this shot of them to make it look like they just got so busted! ;)


Chriselda said...

awww i wanna be in love!
these are nice. love your textures and i LOVE LOVE LOVE the one of him flexing! that's hilarious!

they are so cute.
she is going to be a GORGEOUS bride!

Katie Humphreys said...

Wow! These are great! You captured so many fantastic emotions and facial expressions!

What a super fun couple! Great job!

Unknown said...

so amazing! i love that you captured their true personalities. i love how you tell a story, too. beautiful shots! and way to go, mike, too!

Cara said...

Louisa, you look absolutely stunning and truly in love! It looks like your personalities really show through. What a fun photo shoot! Have a wonderful life together! Leslie sent me this link....

Christine said...

What a sweet story, and such fantastic shots! Great work!