Wednesday, December 19, 2007

What Tha?

Mike and I just accidentally bought our first house!! Scary scary....I think this means we might actually have to start considering ourselves to be grown-ups.  :) 

Here's the house as it looked when it was nearing completion. Fun! We're excited and thankful that God's provided for us to take this grown up-step. (eeek!) 


kelliefinch said...

whoa! you accidentally bought the nicest house EVER!! what in the world crazy spragues?
i cant wait to see it.

Anonymous said...

what tha indeed! woo hoo, what a ride! how's oh-so-very-cute. and just for the record...buying a house doesn't make you a grown up......does it? i hope not!

The Thomps said...

Courtney - your pictures are amazing (I am friends with Shawna Peterson, which is how I found you). And I think your house is right around the corner from me! I am in the Legacy Homes section of the 'hood. :)